Centre No. 14109 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Natasha Welch 7399

Sunday 27 January 2013

Prop: Newspaper

 Prop: Newspaper 

 After designing the newspaper virtually it was necessary to make a hard copy of it while still keeping in mind the period of the opening and the effect we wanted to give.
First of all I printed off the sheets of the newspaper which I designed and stuck them together. Then I found some newspapers and stuck my fake copy onto it.

 I had to make sure that there wasn't any of the real newspaper sticking out around the pieces of paper and cut out and parts that did. Then I separated the front pages and the middle section on the newspaper. I soaked the middle section in a big bowl of tea and coffee to get the desired old effect that I want. Then I laid out the front pages on some greaseproof paper,
 I dabbed the front pages with some of the tea and coffee from the bowl with the main section of the newspaper. I did not want to soak the whole of the front pages in a bowl in case the ink would run as this is the part of the newspaper we want the audience to see. It also became very delicate once it was wet and we did not want to rip the front pages as this would not look very good on camera.
After we soaked the newspaper for two hours, we took the main section out of the bowl and then left both parts out to dry.

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