Centre No. 14109 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Natasha Welch 7399

Friday 2 November 2012

'Orphan' Opening Deconstruction

Point 1: First entering the hospital 

Camera Angles/Shots/Movements:
Medium shot of the couple, tight framing suggests they don't have much choice in what they are doing.
Very bright lighting, high key, suggests that it is going to be a positive scene which in reality doesn't seem to be the case.
Blurred out editing, gives a lack of identity to the couple perhaps suggesting that before this happened they were an ordinary couple (normal couple walking into a hospital)
Mise En Scene:
This scene suggests that they are a happy normal couple, however the husband is wearing a checkered shirt which could suggest that something isn't quite right.
Diagonal lines of the escalator suggests something is not quite right, there are also diagonal lines on the wall nearest to the audience. However there are some vertical lines which suggest strength but there is only one pillar and a few other and behind everything there is a checked background which tells us once again that something isn't quite right.
Link to Genre:
Subverts normal horror conventions however as it leads into something bad and it all seems a bit too faked and a bit too high key it could tell us that this might not be very realistic therefore it could be a dream.

Point 2: In the wheelchair 

Camera Angles/Shots/Movements:
Close up of her head and shoulders, tight framing to show she doesn't have much choice in where she is going. Birds eye view of her as she is going down the corridor to suggest that she is vulnerable, she is without her husband and pregnant rendering her very weak and alone.  
Slightly dimmer lighting, changes key, the nurse is very brightly lit when she asks if its her first but she looks very suspicious 
Jump cuts of the scene show a change when the blood starts coming 
Mise En Scene: 
The whole scene is very white and grey which is a convention of hospitals and cleanliness telling us we should feel safe with them however as the actions are very faked and the shots are tight it has the opposite effect. 
Horizontal lines suggests peacefulness which subverts what is going on at the moment so it could suggest entrapment , although there is loose framing in the third picture  it is clear that they only way she can go is down the corridor which tells us she has a lack of choice.
Link to Genre: 
Tells us that something isn't quite right which links to psychological horrors, lighting has changed to a lower key, perhaps medium foreshadowing the future events.   

 Point 3: In the wheelchair (blood)

Camera Angles/Shots/Movements: 
Close up shots and tight framing, birds eye view of them going down the corridor, close up shots of the underneath of the wheelchair and the metals bars.
Darker colours are shown and more shadows are included, overall a slightly darker section of the scene telling the audience something isn't quite right.
Red stands out clearly on the white, its exaggerated to tell us its not realistic but probably based on the truth and she has dreamt this up. Similar jump cuts from when everything was okay telling us that it was very sudden and everything was happening at the same time, perhaps telling us that it was unexpected.
Mise En Scene: 
The blood seems gooey and thick, also very red and dark which suggests the death of her baby, as there is so much blood we can tell that this is probably a
dream of something that has already happened. The crossing diagonal lines tell us that there is tension building and there is an uneasy feeling, the lines of the blood is very vertical which once again suggests strength, perhaps of the blood and the death. There is also the trail of blood which is dark in some patches foreshadowing the death that is to come.
Link to Genre: 
This all links to the genre as bad things have started to happen and it gives the audience a sense of unease as she has already named her baby and she is obviously very happy about it. Also the fact that the nurse isn't doing anything and she isn't panicking when the blood is trailing from her womb links to the genre as it isn't right and it goes against the viewer's morals.

Point 4: Operation room 

Camera Angles/Shots/Movements:
Point of view shot coming from the camera, cameras are 
used to record events, generally joyful therefore the fact that her husband is filming the loss of their baby tells us once again that something isn't quite right in this scene, also that it isn't not very realistic telling us that it is likely this is a dream. 
Point of view shot of the lights blinding the woman, makes us have empathy and see what she is seeing, telling us that she is disorientated  and confused, also in pain. Many different point of view shots of the nurse and her husband making it disorientating and patronising the woman even though she has the right to know what is going on with the baby as it is her child. They are ignoring the motherly affection she has for her child and thinking that the baby is unimportant and a joke.
Lighting highlights the white and red parts of the shot making them stand out very clearly among the darkness, all the other whites and very crisp but her's seem slightly off once again telling us something is wrong. 
Very bright lighting on the surgical bed and very dark shadows around, she would probably not be able to see anything around her creating a sense of fear for her and making her feel isolated 
Jump cuts making the scene disorientating and very fast paced making it very confusing and giving the woman no choice. 
Mise En Scene: 
The lights are all circular giving us a sense of imprisonment  and claustrophobia. The fact that in the two shots where the nurse and the husband is shown there is a circular light behind them tells us that perhaps they are the ones trapping her in. The fact that her husband has all his face covered up tells us that she doesn't have much trust in him as he is taking part in the operation and treating her like a child.  
Link to Genre:
Overall this links to the genre as it is a very disorientating scene which creates tension and fear in the audience, the screams from the mother is painful to listen to and quite traumatic making the audience empathise but more importantly sympathise with the woman.  

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