Centre No. 14109 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Natasha Welch 7399

Friday 2 November 2012

Psychological Horror Deconstruction: Funny Games

Psychological Horror Deconstruction: Funny Games

Point 1: Driving

Camera Angles 
  • An establishing shot is used to open the film. The use of an establishing shot at the beginning of a scene of a film is very common as it gives the viewer the information about where the scene is  set.
  • A point of view shot is also used as the mother changes the CD in the car as part as a family game to pass time. We can also obtain that this is a point of view shot as the the mothers hand is the only thing in focus thus showing her point of view. 

 There is cross cutting used between the shots of the tracking of the car to the family inside the car.  
  •  There's a huge amount of nature that surrounds the family as they drive alone along a road to heir new house. The colours that seem to be common are, green, blue and red.
  •  The green connotes the balance in the family as they all seem to get along well without any disputes, the green could aso represent the nature that surrounds them. Additionally the blue connotes the calmness of the scene as they are all happy and the weather too is good.
  • However, the red is contradictory of the calm and natural scenery. Although it can connote love between the family it may also be connoting the danger and action that will eventually unravel as the film develops.

  • The sound that is heard is the dialogue of the characters. This may have been recorded prior to the filming therefore making it a voice over as we only hear the characters and we do not see them.
  • Additionally we also have the non diegetic sound of the music in the background, although this is played in the car it is also heard whilst tracking the car. The music is in a major key and ranges from composers such as Vivaldi to Handel perhaps allowing us know that the family are keen in their classical music. It also adds to the calm atmosphere of the scene.

Point 2: In the car

Camera Angles

  •  A medium angle/eye level is used as the characters are no higher o f lower than us. This still remains the same as they continue to drive to their new house. 
  • Tracking is used to follow the movement of the car as the family get closer to their new house.

  • There is an eye line match used that shows the father and mother prior to them playfully fighting over the changing of the radio. 

  • This shot shows the interior of the car rather than tracking the car  therefore the mise en scene is limited to an extent. As the car drives along we are able to see the reflection of the nature that surrounds them in the reflection of their windscreen. In a way we are manipulated to think that they are in a safe environment. In a sense, the setting of this psychological horror subverts the convention of a horror having to be in a desolate area, in a dark house etc. 
  • The character proxemics are at a personal distance as all the characters are positioned close together and there is no one dominant showing that they all respect each other equally.
  • Additionally, the interior of the car is brown that connotes protection within the environment that they are in putting the audience at ease. Furthermore the colours that they are wearing are rather dull apart from the mothers. The father wears a grey top in juxtaposition to the mothers blue top possibly connoting that the mother plays a larger role in the family than does. The grey top also  links the father to the son as he also wear a grey top but the orange stipes connote his happiness and optimism as a child. 


  •  Again we hear the diegetic sound of the dialogue between the family as they continue to play a game to pass time.
  • The music (non diegetic) changes suddenly to rock/'metal music and drowns out the sound of any dialogue between the family. 
  • The sound of the family talking is drained out and the audience are able to see a sheer contrast of the family.
  • Finally, the use of rock music does not fit into the scene at all making it strange to watch and listen to as the setting of the scene is too positive.

Point 3:Meeting new neighbours

Camera Angles

  • A long shot is used to highlight on the confusion of the family that the mother addresses. It also shows the literal distance between them physically as well as mentally. 


  • Similarly to the first point, cross cutting is used between merely to show the reaction of the mothers as she attempts to talk to the new neighbours but they tend not to warm up to them as easily. 

The gates are the first thing that we see and it acts as a barrier between the new family and the family that they are addressing. Furthermore, the gates create a vertical composition suggesting that the family behind the gates have more power and strength over the family in the car. 
Although the response from the family behind the gates seem to come across rude the setting may have us believe that they were unaware of who they were talking to because of the distance.
Additionally the distance between the family in the car and the family behind the gates is very drastic therefore having us believe that there will be possible friction between them as they did not seem to welcome them warmly. 

  • The first sound heard is diegetic and it is the car horn which makes the rock music come to a sudden stop. 
  • The only sound that is heard is diegetic and it's the conversation between the new family and their neighbours. There is a sense of uncertainty between them. And this is sensed by the mother when she says "What was up with them?".

Point 4: Arriving at new house

Camera Angles
  •  Tracking is used to follow the dog. The camera follows the dog deliberately to emphasise on how uncomfortable the dog was. 
  • As we know, dogs/pets sense danger before we do so by tracking the dogs movement it shows that the dog feels uncomfortable or senses danger in its new environment.  

  • Continuity editing is used as the dog travels from the living room to the staircase, highlights that it can either sense or is looking for something in particular

  • Once the dog enters the new house everything is very simplistic and the use of horizontal composition highlights the possible weakness of the family that are going to move into it. The lighting provides an eerie feeling to the atmosphere and the set seems to be more or less in a darkness.
  • The dog is followed as it travels throughout the house and the further it goes into the house the more agitated it becomes. However, when the neighbours are introduced properly to us as well as the characters the dog becomes even m ore agitated towards them. Again the gates create vertical composition and therefore hint at the idea of their neighbours being stronger than the new family.

  • The use of sound within the last scene is mostly diegetic and consists of the dog barking as it can sense the danger that the neighbours bring and ties in with the idea that dogs/pets can usually sense danger first. 
  • We can just about hear the conversation between the neighbours. We notice that the owner of the dog apologises for its behaviour although the neighbours do not react to it as if they're         used to it.

1 comment:

  1. It is really funny. Thanks for adding this game. I think that It would be nice that most of sites have this...funny games
