Centre No. 14109 - Rebecca Holloway 7279 - Danielle Blasse 7010 - Cloe Pace-Soler 7352 - Natasha Welch 7399

Sunday 18 November 2012

'The Last exorcism' Trailer Religious Symbolism

The symbolism of the cat

The use of the cat is effective due to how cats generally refer to witchcraft, this makes the audience think something supernatural or threatening may be present.The cat startles at the camera and runs away, as cats are known to be able to sense danger and the cat is scared of what seems to be behind the camera- the audience are given the idea that they are watching from the point of view of something dangerous.

The camera gets closer and closer to the cat and then there is a canted angle as the cat starts. The canted camera angle give the impression of anxiety and panic. Also, as the framing becomes less loose, the mood of there being no escape gets more dominant.

Contortion of face and body

The use of self-contortion of the face and body is an effective way to shock the audience as the character has resorted to hurting herself, this gives the terrifying impression that the evil is not her but inside her. The evil seems to be against the body it is in, in causing it to mutilate it. 

The shocking element of the shot is not actually in focus and this is effective as it makes it look even more damaged. As we are seeing the shot through the mirror, we see the girl as though she is us and this causes us to feel uncomfortable due to her self-mutilation. Also, by making what we are supposed to see out of focus, the insanity of the girl -or whatever is inside her- is emphasised as she literally can't see straight.
# 1

Cross used as protection

By resorting to religion as protection it gives an unsettling feel even for those with strong beliefs as it shows the audience that the normal use of science has not worked. Faith also cannot be a good use of defense as the the spiritual forces can't always be trusted as shown by the demons within the movie. Additionally, due to the fact that the demon has already been successful in possessing the daughter, the audience can't be sure whether God has already
 failed the family and if it would be vain hope to turn to Him.

In Picture 1, the cross is highlighted by the backlighting caused by the fire, causing it to be seen as a silhouette- black against the bright light of the fire. This causes fear as black connotes death and suffering so tension is caused. The cross is the dominant of the shot as it is in the centre and although quite small easily stands out against the fire as the person is holding it above their head.
In picture 2, the cross is again the dominant of the shot, but this time because it takes up a large amount of the frame and is brighter than the rest of the shot due to the lighting shining on it from face on. By the cross being the dominant of both shots rather than the people in it, the audience are made to be aware that religion is the most important part of the film.

Use of Prayer

The use of prayer in horror is successful at amplifying terror as it gives the essence of desperation for the same reasons as using the cross as protection- it is usually the last hope. Using prayer in the film is also effective as it allows us to see a character at their most vulnerable. It is a simple method to use to create an unsettling atmosphere and make the audience empathise with a character quickly.  This shot is especially effective as the character is separated from the audience by the window. This makes the audience feel as though they are watching the character  when they are not aware of it- increasing their vulnerability. 

Documentary Style

The trailer is made as if it is a real-life documentary. This is effective as it makes it seems more realistic and therefore scary as it has a less fictional feel. There are jump cut stills of a broken TV screen and this makes is effective as it makes it seem as though it is breaking down and everything is going wrong.

There are many different contrasting colour foils in the shot to create an unsettling mood. This is empathised by its fast speed and the uncomfortable high pitched sound effects an irregular intervals. 

Setting of the barn

A large majority of the trailer is set in a barn and this is effective as it refers back to the nativity story from the bible. This reference is successful as instead of the birth of Jesus taking place, a terrifying exorcism of the devil is occurring and the contrast creates an unnerving effect. The possessed girl being continually pictured lying on the hay in her very old-fashioned white dress has the effect of making the audience think that they have almost been sent back in time where there are limited methods of protection, making them feel as though the characters are at large risk. She is generally shot from above to show her helplessness.

Bible references

There are many references to bible stories and also information about the Devil is given. The audience are shown actual pictures of the Devil and this is effective as it allows them to contrast the picture of the terrifying demon against the image of the helpless girl and this gives an idea of the scale of the situation and how incredibly at risk she is, as well as everyone around them. The voiceover of the trailer states that "If you believe in God you have to believe in the Devil" and this is effective as for a large amount of the audience this will encourage them to think that elements of the movie are or could be true.
This picture is in the colour black to primarily show the age of the picture and also to connote suffering, as expected by a picture of the Devil. 

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